Dalton: The Holocaust
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THe Holocaust, 100 Questions and Answers
by Thomas Dalton
Why today , do we her so much about the 'Holocaust'. Why are people we don't like called 'Nazis'? Why is Hitler's name constantly invoked as the embodiment of evil? Why is the holocaust a perennial theme in films and documentaries? Why are there repeated references to "never again","never forget", and the all important "6 million Jews" who died? And why, at the same time, is the topic of the Holocaust apparently sacrosanct - literally off limits for any kind of discussion or critical analysis?
Since the 1960s, the Holocaust has become an untouchable icon in Western society. And yet, so many details are murky: Why exactly did Hitler dislike the Jews? Did he actually issue an order to kill all the Jews? How did the infamous gas chambers actually work? And where did the number 6 million actually come from anyway?
Lots of questions, very few answers - until now. Here,in this booklet, we attempt to address 100 of the most essential questions about the Holocaust, in an honest and forthright statement. As one of the most important historical events, it deserves no less.
Published by Clemens & Blair, 2025
96 pages
ISBN: 9-781963-143157