Faurisson: Just Who was Robert Faurisson?

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For 40 years Robert Faurisson was Europe's foremost historical revisionist scholar.
    Dr Faurisson was professor of modern and contemporary French literature at the Sorbonne in Paris and the University of Lyon 2, where he specialised in the "critical appraisal of texts and documents (literature, history, media)." In 1979 he was permanently banned, de facto, from teaching.
    In the course of his independent research into "the Holocaust" Faurisson discovered, on March 19, 1976 in the Auschwitz State Museum archives, the building plans of the camp complex's morgues, crematoria and other installations. He was the first to make known those documents, which had been kept hidden since the war, and to point out their vital significance. It was in two pieces printed by the prestigious French daily Le Monde in December 1978 and January 1979 that he succeeded in revealing his findings on "the problem of the gas chambers" to the general public.
    Faurisson played an important role in both of the Ernst Zündel "Holocaust trials" in Toronto, Canada (1985 and 1988); his most noteworthy contribution to Zündel's defence in 1988 may well have been his securing of the participation of Fred Leuchter, an American gas chamber specialist. He was also instrumental in arranging for Leuchter's forensic examination of alleged homicidal gas chambers in Poland, and in publishing  the American's remarkable conclusions.
    For years French government agencies and influential private bodies have waged a concerted campaign to silence him. He has had to defend himself many times in court for his candid and uncompromising writings and statements, being convicted on numerous occasions under a despotic law specially drafted against him. He has suffered at least ten physical assaults, one of which was a nearly successful attempt at murder.
    He has seen his bank account frozen and had visits to his home from court officials threatening him and his wife with seizure of their belongings to cover damages imposed by civil judgments against his "heretical" publications. His family life has been repeatedly disrupted and thrown into turmoil by such harassment. His health has suffered terribly.
    In a December 1980 interview with the French radio network Europe No. 1, Faurisson summed up the results of his study of "the Holocaust" in a sentence of about 60 French words. In English it reads: "The alleged Hitlerite gas chambers and the alleged genocide of the Jews form one and the same historical lie, which has permitted a gigantic political and financial swindle whose main beneficiaries are the State of Israel and international Zionism and whose main victims are the German people – but not their leaders – and the Palestinian people in their entirety."
    "That sentence," he declared 38 years on, "needs no changes."